Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Close up

Here's better pics of what I bought from Helsinki, as requested :) Really glad I found those jeans, they were on sale so they cost only 10 euros
When I took pics of the tops, I realized how difficult it really is to get a good picture. So I admire all the fashion bloggers who manage to take all those cool pictures.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Flying away from the gray world

School's keeping me busy the rest of the evening, got a big Finnish project coming up soon...:S 
Longing for summer so bad right now! With jontte in the paradise and all the spring/summer clothes popping out int the stores... ah, the summer is too far away! This is the first (but definitely not the least) post about summer and I thought why not my two things on my wishlist right now: a bit oversize jeans shirt and light yellow jeans!




Sunday, February 26, 2012


fml. Sunday will be spent with homework, book diary-thingy and Finnish presentation making. Why do I always leave everything to the last minute? 
And yeah I know, a bit unnecessary post, but what ever. I just wanted to post something. Maybe I'll write more later on today, we'll see if I'll come up with anything interesting ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 20

Why I started blogging
I've always like writing, so when Ea and me decided to blog, I found it really fun. I've had some longer and shorter pauses but I always find my way back to blogging. I guess I just like it too much to quit :)



All over the top

Went to Helsinki yesterday and got home with a little less money but some cool, new stuff. Here's a quick pic of what I bought:

Do you want a closer look on what I bought? In that case, let me know by commenting ;)
What else? Well, today I'm off to see some relatives, long time no see, so this weekend is all about family and school (I have so much projects and stuff right now) but next weekend looks a bit better, as far as I can tell now :))
Hope you have a lovely Friday and I'll post more later!


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Can anyone give me some money so I can get all this cool stuff?








Helsinki calling! It's horrible to wake up this early, but I'll manage :) Lets see if I'll do any nice shopping ;)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My man






Hanna dyed my hair today. It got darker than I'd expected, but 'm happy with the result! 3 from today:

Sweetie hit puberty :D

The result, kinda. Not so red/orange irl.

And tomorrow I'm off to Helsinki! Yeaah, nice to move my ass from Turku for a while ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 19

I have to steal Ea's idea on this one. I'd like to be our super talented dance teacher for one day. She is always so happy, friendly and full of energy, and really inspirational. So I'd like to be her for one day to get to know how she comes up with all the brilliant routines :D

stole from facebook


The picture says it all. After a little paus I have inspiration again! You'll see a lot of pics, since nothing special is happening in my life right now... :D
Now: out to jog in the lovely weather!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 18

Hmm...I have many bad habits (who doesn't?) but maybe the "worst" one would be that I always find faults of myself. I can't appreciate me for who I am, and I always want to be skinnier, prettier, funnier, smarter, stronger, better than I really am. I don't like myself and I never have, so I don't know how to accept me for who I am, I simply don't see the point. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 17

I read quite a lot of blogs, and about half of them are my friends'. Other blogs are Kenza, Honhannah, Sandraso, Lisaplace etc. These blogs I read on a daily basis, other blogs I read sometimes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 16

Something that makes me feel good
I feel good when I've eaten, slept enough and have my lovely friends with me. I also feel good after a workout, especially dancing and when I'm doing something I really like, eg. partying, doing something with my hands (like sewing, knitting, collages...) or just seeing something beautiful. It really depends on the day though, one day I feel good when eating chocolate, the other day by going jogging. And I almost forgot: laughing! It's the best medicine!
Sorry for this messy post, I'm drop dead tired right now, I'll be more active on the vacation!

Puss fina!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 15

My favorite TV-shows are Gossip Girl, Skins, Gray's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Glee...
Hihi, that's pretty much it, having enough watching these already :D






Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 14

Today I'm walking around in sweats without makeup, so I thought I'd show you what I wore to Haadi's b-day, yesterday, instead :) 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 13

I love my friends, they are the ones that care to be with me, listen to me and the ones that makes my day, every day. And I'm not going to write a list of all my friends, you know who you are and I hope you know how much I care about you all 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Aah, I want, I want!







Day 12

The perfect guy would be funny, caring, hot and looking a bit badass. 


So true!


