Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wazzuup? Had a fairly busy day today, and I haven't even started on the pile of homework yet...
Anyway, I had a chill day in school but then Vivian, Jontte and me had to go to the art thingy in town (I'm sorry but I don't know what it's called :D) with our Swedish teacher. We looked at some paintings of Carl Larsson and they were alright. We also asked for permission to leave earlier from our previous class so then we went before the exhibition to Arnold's (finlandssvensk swag is the reason why we were so bad-ass :P)
And after that I went with my mom to IKEA. We found some small things but nothing special really. I came home some time ago and since then I've just played it girl, it's really addictive! (btw OMG I got a boyfriend today! in it girl :D)
Tomorrow will be busy as hell, but I'll try to make a post. Is there anything you guys want me to blog about? Or do you have other comments? Please comment, it would be really nice :3

Me outside IKEA (the little blue thingy to the right beside my head)


  1. vitsi sä oot kunis täs kuvas! :)

  2. HAHAHAH tinibloggare. nåneejj men ba så bäst jag utanför IKEA hiihiihii made my day :D
