Okay, as you may have noticed I've been really quiet this week. I just have a lot going on, but no inspiration, so I'm going with this list for the next 20 days. And tonight I'm doing day 1, so stay tooned ;)
Day 1 - A picture of me+10 facts about me
Day 2 - Favorite music
Day 3 - A fun and crazy night
Day 4 - A picture of myself a year ago
Day 5 - What I have in my bag
Day 6 - My favorite season and why
Day 7 - 5 things I can't live without
Day 8 - These things make me cry
Day 9 - A picture of me wearing a different hair color than now
Day 10 - My favorite movie
Day 11 - What I ate today
Day 12 - What type of guys I fall for
Day 13 - My friends
Day 14 - A picture of me and what I wear
Day 15 - My favorite TV-show
Day 16 - Something that makes me feel good
Day 17 - My favorite blogs
Day 18 - A bad habit I have
Day 19 - A person I'd like to be for one day and why
Day 20 - Why I started blogging